Saturday, November 18, 2006


15 November, 2006

We woke up and moved rooms but not hotels. Then we bought our train tickets for Beijing for the next night and we decided to see Xian city. We headed out on the public transport with bus numbers and started at the Shaanxi History Museum. The book said that it was one of the best museums in China but we really didn’t think it was that great. We then headed to the Wild Goose Pagoda but we didn’t go up to the top. We walked around the park and gardens and the square and we had a great time- even though it was so cold. We walked around the parks and there were statues and signs all over describing the statue. There was one particular sign that I really enjoyed reading and I want to share it with you.
“Each flower is a picture of a beautiful world and each leaf acts like a lovely frame to surround it”.
Our next two stops were surprisingly good. We went to the Bell Tower which is located in the middle of the city and we went to the top and in to the tiny museum. And then we went to the Drum Tower just to the West which we enjoyed and we saw some lovely Qing Dynasty furniture inside. There was also a museum with many different types and shapes of drums. This instrument plays a big role in Chinese culture. We walked around the Muslim Quarter and found some food to eat. The shops were great and I just wanted to buy stuff. We finally tasted all of the fruits and nuts that are everywhere you look. Most of them are too sweet and I can imagine a serious tummy-ache ahead! It was a good day and we got to our fancy hotel quite early, all ready for a wonderful Indian shower.

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