Thursday, April 26, 2007


23 April, 07

We woke up nice and early and the weather was perfect. We had some breakfast and we were off to see the Big Tree (Sumaumeira). The boat trip was very nice and we spotted a few Tucans and Parrots but from afar. The tree is 300 years old and apparently the biggest in the forest?! There were bats in the tree and loads of mosquitos all over the show. On the way back we stopped at a beach and it was a bit boring since they never told us to bring along our bathing suits. But I am not sure if we would have had a swim with the piranhas anyway. We chilled out at the lodge for a couple of hours, had some lunch and saw the new recruits arriving – two American girls (Monica and Michelle). We visited a native village and Caboclo house which is where the manioc flour or farofa is made. We were given some to taste as well as Acai juice. This is a type of Black Berry that grows on specific palm trees and is supposed to be very healthy for the body and prevents certain diseases. We also had delicious fresh Brazil nuts. There was a Boa Vista snake roaming around, Rich also played darts by blowing them through his mouth with a special instrument and so it was quite an adventurous little place. We got back to the lodge at sunset and sat on the deck listening to the sounds of the birds. It didn’t rain tonight and so the noises outside were so clear and interesting.

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